Feb 14, 2011

Travian Quick Tips to Raiding (Beginner to Intermediate)

Okay here quick tips :-

  1. Send raids a FEW to MANY (asume that u have 9clubs ,send 3 clubbies to 3 villages is better than 9clubbies to A village)
  2. Rom first, Teuton and then Gaul
  3. Check their ATTACKs and DEFENDs points to give u an overview to their total troops (just work for early game)
To be continued..

1st day to Travian! (Beginner-Tutorial)

yeahh. so today we are going to start our 1st day journey to the game of Travian!
Lets get started!

Ok then they are so many many many (and many..) server of Travian. The question now is which? and what? kind of server we'll join.

First just follow THIS link , here u'll find all server that have just restarted.

Red- name of the server (speed means=the server 3time faster) Black- game started at that date (okay,sometimes the date not really accurate)

okay , i have found an english server and wanna to register now.
lets go~

notes : make sure register AFTER the server restarted between 10-15days.

Name , E-mail , password, blablablaa..

Okay, u need to choose your name really carefully since u cant change it after reaching 100population.Your name MUST :-

1. Not too annoying (fcuk u, ustupid, imoverpower, and so on)

2. Some name that easy to remember 

3. Name that your really care about.

Ok enough about name, See that blue , register as Gaul (Ill post about tribe later).

Finish registering~
Ill continue day2 (Starting the account, Questmaster) .Stay tuned.

Feb 12, 2011

Intro to Travian

Okay, first and foremost.
What is Travian? (whtthehcekisthat!)

Travian being the largest online browser-based strategy game is all about strategy , tactics , money (yes!money) , cooperation, determination, leadership and and all that.

Ull find this game really interesting because the culture , ur farm, enemy ,backstabber. friend, leader, wah! too many to list all the fun.

The game is easy (or not) to learn .There'll be so much experience u'll got.
So just Click HERE and start play, u just need the browser (chrome, internet explorer ,mozilla ,etc..)

I'll post a lot more about strategy and tips .Stay tuned.

Learn more about Travian in Wikipedia

Hi !

Hi , Im playing Travian for almost 3 years and now ready to share my knowledge about this beatiful game.
Have fun reading :D